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    Knowledge Transfer: Getting a Handle on Family Legacy

    - by Fruitbat7

    Over the past year, I’ve had numerous conversations with family business owners and advisors about their efforts, and associated challenges, to transferring knowledge between generations. Most recently this included a discussion session during the Aspen Family Business Group workshop, Building and Sustaining Legacy of Oíkos, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

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    Knowledge Transfer: Mentoring in Family Business

    - by Fruitbat7

    Over the past year, I’ve had numerous conversations with family business owners and advisors about their efforts, and associated challenges, to transferring knowledge between generations. Most recently this included a discussion session during the Aspen Family Business Group workshop, Building and Sustaining Legacy of Oíkos, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

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    Building and Sustaining Legacy

    - by Fruitbat7

    The Aspen Family Business Group is hosting “Building and Sustaining Legacy: Best Practices for Families in Business” from 22 to 24 September 2017 in Thessaloniki. You are invited to join Joe Paul, Leslie Dashew, Burak Kocer and Donnel Nunes for a weekend of learning based on their more than 75 years of experience working with family-owned businesses and their advisors.